1. Go to your accounting software or Point of Sale (POS) system. Navigate to sales reports. (In Shopify, it is the 'Sales by customer name' report under 'Reports' in the Analytics tab) 2. Select your report and the time window. We recommend the most recent 3 years data or most recent 2500 transactions (which ever is larger). 3. Format your file to have the following columns shown in bold (in order and titled exactly as shown): order_id, customer_id, product_title, day (order date), orders, gross_sales, net_sales (if desired), total_sales (if desired), gross_profit. *Please ensure data and columns match the guide in step 3 and example shown below 4. Save the file in csv format. Title should be <Companyname_dateofsubmission>, e.g. "SolInsights_January2024"
* If you have difficulty in finding or formatting the sales transaction file properly, you may contact [email protected] for assistance.
Example sales transaction report. Follow guidelines for column order and name